The Governing Body

We are extremely proud of our hard working Governing Body.  All our governors are committed to improving positive outcomes for our pupils.

Their core responsibilities are:

  • Ensuring accountability
  • Acting as a ‘critical friend’ to the Head Teacher
  • Monitoring and evaluating the school’s progress
  • Budgetary allocation and control
  • Planning for the long term future of the school
  • Setting the school’s aims and values
  • Appointing senior members of staff including the Head Teacher

The governing body is split into committees. Each committee has their own  responsibility, for example teaching and learning, finance and staffing  and health, safety and premises. These committees meet separately from the main governing body to discuss relevant issues in more detail. Discussion is then fed back at a full governing body meeting.  Please see the table below showing the structure of our governing body.  


Name Category of Governor
Jenny Slater  Headteacher
Joanne Flackett (Chair) Co-opted
Gary Roberts Co-opted
Julie Sutcliffe Co-opted
Sally Healy  Parent
Courtenay Cumpstey Teacher
Sarah Hargreaves  Co-opted
Brian Walsh Co-opted
Melvyn Blackband  Authority
Chiara Winter Parent

NB. Our Governing Body has no associate members.  

Publication of Governors' Details and the Register of Interests

Name of Governor

Jenny Slater 

Category of Governor


Which body appointed them

Governing Body

Term of office


Committees that governor serves on

Finance and Staffing Committee / Quality of Education committee /

Health, Safety and Premises Committee

Details of any positions of responsibility


  • I declare I have no business interests
  • I declare I have no relationship between myself and members of the school staff
  • I declare that I am not a governor at another educational establishment

Name of Governor

Joanne Flackett

Category of Governor

Co-opted Governor

Which body appointed them

Governing Body 

Term of office

18th March 2028

Committees that governor serves on

Finance and Staffing  

Details of any positions of responsibility

Chair Governor 

Sixth Form nominated Governor

Extended Schools

  • I declare I have no business interests
  • I declare I have no relationships between myself and members of the school staff
  • I declare that I am not a governor at any other educational establishment

Name of Governor

Jane Brooks

Category of Governor


Which body appointed them

Governing Body nominated by the LCC

Term of office

31st August 2027 - Resigned from governors role Summer Term Meeting, 24th June 2024

Committees that governor serves on

Finance and Staffing Committee 

Details of any positions of responsibility

Chair of Finance and Staffing Committee / ICT nominated Governor / PSHCE nominated Governor / Website Governor                                                                   

  • I declare I have no business interests
  • I declare I have no relationships between myself and members of the school staff
  • I declare that I am not a governor at any other educational establishment


Name of Governor

Rick Horabin

Category of Governor


Which body appointed them

Governing Body

Term of office

22nd February 2024 - Resigned from governor role Spring Term Meeting, 18th March 2024

Committees that governor serves on

Health, Safety and Premises Committee 

Details of any positions of responsibility

Health, Safety and Premises Governor / School Council nominated Governor

  • I declare I have no business interests
  • I declare I have no relationships between myself and members of the school staff
  • I declare that I am not a governor at any other educational establishment


Name of Governor

Sally Healy 

Category of Governor

Parent Governor

Which body appointed them

Parent appointed by Parents/Carers

Term of office

01 December 2028

Committees that governor serves on

Health, Safety and Premises Committee 

Details of any positions of responsibility

Child Protection Nominated Governor / Extended Schools / Wellbeing Governor

  • I declare I have no business interests
  • I declare I have no relationships between myself and members of the school staff
  • I declare that I am not a governor at any other educational establishment

Name of Governor

Sarah Hargreaves

Category of Governor


Which body appointed them

Governing Body

Term of office

09th July 2027

Committees that governor serves on

Quality of Education Committee 

Details of any positions of responsibility

Vice Chair Governor / EYFS nominated governor / Pupil Premium Governor

  • I declare I have no business interests
  • I declare I have no relationships between myself and members of the school staff
  • I declare that I am not a governor at another educational establishment

Name of Governor

Courtenay Cumpstey

Category of Governor

Teaching Staff Governor

Which body appointed them

School Staff 

Term of office

31st December 2024

Committees that governor serves on

Quality of Education Committee

Details of any positions of responsibility

SEND nominated Governor

Curriculum nominated Governor

Training LINK Governor

  • I declare I have no business interests
  • I declare I have no relationships between myself and members of the school staff
  • I declare that I am not a governor at another educational establishment

Name of Governor

Julie Sutcliffe 

Category of Governor


Which body appointed them

Governing Body

Term of office

31st August 2025

Committees that governor serves on

Health, Safety and Premises Committee 

Details of any positions of responsibility

TA Representative

Future Destination (Careers) Governor

  • I declare I have no business interests
  • I declare I have no relationships between myself and members of the school staff
  • I declare that I am not a governor at any other educational establishment 

Name of Governor                                                        

Brian Walsh  

Category of Governor


Which body appointed them

Governing Body

Term of office

31 November 2025

Committees that governor serves on

Quality of Education Committee 

Details of any positions of responsibility

 English nominated Governor   

 Equality Governor                                                                                                                                                          

  • I declare I have no business interests
  • I declare I have no relationship between myself and members of the school staff
  • I declare that I am a governor at another educational establishment

Name of Governor                                                        

Melvyn Blackband

Category of Governor

Local Authority 

Which body appointed them

Governing Body

Term of office

25th July 2027

Committees that governor serves on

Finance and Staffing

Details of any positions of responsibility

LASGB / Mathematics nominated Governor                                                                                                                                                          

  • I declare I have no business interests
  • I declare I have no relationship between myself and members of the school staff
  • I declare that I am not a governor at another educational establishment



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